Edward Comstock white stars




Running for election to represent District 73 in the Indiana House of Representatives, my focus is on using tax dollars wisely, advocating for well-funded programs that benefit all residents, and ensuring Indiana remains a leader in the nation’s success. With a commitment to conservative values and responsible governance, I aim to be a strong voice for our community, championing policies that promote prosperity and the overall welfare of Hoosiers.

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No Solar Farms

No to solar farms

Proposals for expansive solar farms threaten to alter our landscape significantly. While we recognize the importance of renewable energy, it’s crucial to weigh the potential impact on our environment and community identity.

Say no to the proliferation of solar farms in Indiana and join us in preserving the scenic vistas that generations before us have called home.

Protect our family farms in Indiana

Protect Family Farms

Family farms face numerous challenges in today’s rapidly changing landscape. Economic pressures, encroaching development, and shifting market dynamics threaten their existence. Now, more than ever, it is crucial that we rally together to protect the legacy of Indiana’s family farms.

Let’s foster an environment that supports the growth and prosperity of family-owned farms, ensuring they remain the lifeblood of our state.

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And Legislative Actions


And Legislative Actions

Say no to the proliferation of solar farms in Indiana and join us in preserving the scenic vistas that generations before us have called home.

Let’s explore alternative solutions that balance the need for clean energy with the preservation of our state’s natural beauty and agricultural heritage. Together, we can find a sustainable path forward that respects our past while embracing the future.

No to wind farms

No Wind Farms

The proposal for widespread wind farms raises concerns about the potential impact on our environment and daily lives. While renewable energy is a noble cause, we must carefully consider the implications of transforming our cherished landscapes.

Join us in saying no to the proliferation of wind farms in Indiana. Let’s protect the beauty that defines our state, and explore alternative, sustainable solutions that honor our heritage.

Edward Comstock headshot
Edward Comstock white stars

Learn more about

Edward Comstock II

As a lifelong resident of Indiana, my commitment is to ensure the well-being of every Hoosier. This involves responsible allocation of tax dollars, supporting programs that benefit everyone, and striving to keep Indiana at the forefront of the nation’s success.

No Increase in Taxes. The hardworking taxpayers of Indiana are paying enough. In a difficult economy, we must live within our means and use the tax dollars collected by the state wisely.

Protect Our Agricultural Interests: Growing up on a farm in Shelby County, I know we must continue to support our farmers so that our vibrant agricultural base remains strong.

Defend Life and Our Traditional Values: People deserve to have their life, liberty, and pursuit of happiness protected. Our healthcare workers, first responders, and everyone serving the state of Indiana should have their hopes and dreams realized.

Create Jobs: Indy is a great city and the economic center of the state, but folks in Shelby, Decatur, Jennings and Bartholomew counties have their own perspective of how to keep our economy on track and keep Indiana the great state that it has been for generations.

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Indiana Events

And Latest News

Famers rights in Indiana

Farmer’s Rights

In the vast fields and fertile lands of Indiana, farmers play a vital role in shaping our state’s identity and sustaining our communities. As we navigate the evolving landscape of agriculture, it’s paramount to advocate for the rights of those who dedicate their lives to tilling the soil.

Farmers have the right to fair compensation for their hard work and dedication. From negotiating equitable prices for their produce to having access to resources that enhance productivity, these rights form the foundation of a thriving agricultural community.

Additionally, supporting farmers’ rights means ensuring access to affordable credit, protecting their land rights, and fostering policies that empower rather than hinder their ability to adapt to changing circumstances.

Join us in championing the rights of Indiana’s farmers. Together, let’s cultivate an environment where their contributions are respected, their livelihoods are protected, and the future of agriculture in our great state remains robust and resilient.

Government taxes and bonds newspaper

Governmental Taxes and Bonds

In the intricate dance of public finance, Indiana’s system of taxes and bonds is the orchestration that funds essential services, infrastructure, and community development.

Indiana relies on a mix of state and local taxes to fund public services. From income and sales taxes to property taxes, each revenue stream contributes to the intricate web of financial resources that keep our state running smoothly.

Government bonds are a vital instrument for funding long-term projects and investments in Indiana. These bonds, often issued for infrastructure development or public projects, allow the state to raise capital without immediate tax increases. As responsible stewards of public resources, it is essential to examine how these bonds are utilized and their impact on our collective financial future.

By staying informed about governmental taxes and bonds, we empower ourselves to contribute meaningfully to the ongoing conversation about fiscal responsibility, transparency, and the economic well-being of our great state.

Edward Comstock blue stars


From Indiana

I had the privilege of working closely with Edward Comstock II during his tenure at Honda Manufacturing of Indiana in Greensburg. His commitment to excellence, attention to detail, and dedication to his work were truly commendable. What stood out most was his unwavering sense of duty, a trait undoubtedly honed during his years of service in the United States Air Force. Edward’s leadership qualities and genuine concern for the community were evident in his efforts to contribute to the local economy. I am confident that his strong work ethic and passion for service will make him an invaluable advocate for our community.

I’ve known Edward Comstock II as a fellow Hoosier who deeply cares about the well-being of Indiana and its residents. His background of service in the United States Air Force showcases a unique blend of discipline, commitment, and community involvement. I appreciate Edward’s dedication to using tax dollars wisely and supporting well-funded programs that benefit everyone. I believe Edward’s values and experience make him a strong candidate who genuinely understands the needs of our community. I am proud to support Edward’s candidacy and believe he will be a dedicated voice for our district.

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Together, We Can Make a Difference

Vote Edward Comstock II

Republican House District 73

Together, We Can Make a Difference

Vote Edward Comstock II

Republican House District 73

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